Raspberry Pi OS ① I2Cバスがたくさん使える
2020年5月27日に、いままでRaspbianと呼んでいた32ビットOSの呼び名がRaspberry Pi OSに変更されました。現時点で、64ビットRaspberry Pi OSがベータ・テスト中だそうです。
/boot/overlaysのREADMEを読むと、I2CやSPIバスが増えています。Raspberry Pi 3が発売されたときに、おおきく変更されていたようです。
Name: i2c1
Info: Change i2c1 pin usage. Not all pin combinations are usable on all
platforms - platforms other then Compute Modules can only use this
to disable transaction combining.
Load: dtoverlay=i2c1,<param>=<val>
Params: pins_2_3 Use pins 2 and 3 (default)
pins_44_45 Use pins 44 and 45
combine Allow transactions to be combined (default "yes")
i2c_arm_baudrate Set the baudrate of the ARM's i2c interface (default "100000") i2c_baudrate An alias for i2c_arm_baudrate |
Name: i2c0-bcm2708 Info: Deprecated, legacy version of i2c0, from which it inherits its parameters, just adding the explicit individual pin specifiers. Load: <Deprecated>非推奨 Params: sda0_pin GPIO pin for SDA0 (deprecated - use pins_*) scl0_pin GPIO pin for SCL0 (deprecated - use pins_*) Name: i2c1-bcm2708 Info: Deprecated, legacy version of i2c1, from which it inherits its parameters, just adding the explicit individual pin specifiers. Load: <Deprecated>非推奨 Params: sda1_pin GPIO pin for SDA1 (2 or 44 - default 2) scl1_pin GPIO pin for SCL1 (3 or 45 - default 3) pin_func Alternative pin function (4 (alt0), 6 (alt2) - default 4) |
Name: i2c3 Info: Enable the i2c3 bus Load: dtoverlay=i2c3,<param> Params: pins_2_3 Use GPIOs 2 and 3 pins_4_5 Use GPIOs 4 and 5 (default) baudrate Set the baudrate for the interface (default "100000") Name: i2c4 Info: Enable the i2c4 bus Load: dtoverlay=i2c4,<param> Params: pins_6_7 Use GPIOs 6 and 7 pins_8_9 Use GPIOs 8 and 9 (default) baudrate Set the baudrate for the interface (default "100000") Name: i2c5 Info: Enable the i2c5 bus Load: dtoverlay=i2c5,<param> Params: pins_10_11 Use GPIOs 10 and 11 pins_12_13 Use GPIOs 12 and 13 (default) baudrate Set the baudrate for the interface (default "100000") Name: i2c6 Info: Enable the i2c6 bus Load: dtoverlay=i2c6,<param> Params: pins_0_1 Use GPIOs 0 and 1 pins_22_23 Use GPIOs 22 and 23 (default) baudrate Set the baudrate for the interface (default "100000") |
i2c_vc Set to "on" to enable the i2c interface usually reserved for the VideoCore processor (default "off") i2c_vc_baudrate Set the baudrate of the VideoCore i2c interface (default "100000") |
※https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/raspberry-pi-spi-and-i2c-tutorial 利用するときは、SDA、SCLラインはプルアップされていないので、たとえば10kΩ前後の抵抗で3.3Vへプルアップします。SO1602Aで動作を確認しました。 速度の変更は、下記のように記述します。
Name: i2c0 Info: Change i2c0 pin usage. Not all pin combinations are usable on all platforms - platforms other then Compute Modules can only use this to disable transaction combining. Load: dtoverlay=i2c0,<param>=<val> Params: pins_0_1 Use pins 0 and 1 (default) pins_28_29 Use pins 28 and 29 pins_44_45 Use pins 44 and 45 pins_46_47 Use pins 46 and 47 combine Allow transactions to be combined (default "yes") |
DO NOT USE these pins for anything other than attaching an I2C ID EEPROM. Leave unconnected if ID EEPROM not required. |
>sudo nano /boot/config.txt
dtoverlay=i2c3,pins_4_5 dtoverlay=i2c4,pins_8_9 dtoverlay=i2c5,pins_12_13 dtoverlay=i2c6,pins_22_23 |
>pip3 install BME280