初心者のためのLTspice 入門 シミュレーション結果を保存しその結果を利用する(3)BVコンポーネントでいろいろな信号を作る
●BV(Arbitrary behavioral voltage source)のコンポーネント
V = F(…) |
この F(…) の部分に、関数を含んだ式を設定します。
この式に利用できる関数と演算子は、LTspiceのHelpのトピックスでCircuit ElementのB. Arbitrary Behavioral Voltage or Current Sourcesを選択すると表示される、次の表に記載されています。
Function Name | Description |
abs(x) | Absolute value of x |
absdelay(x,t[,tmax]) | x delayed by t. Optional max delay notification tmax. |
acos(x) | Real part of the arc cosine of x, e.g., acos(-5) returns 3.14159, not 3.14159+2.29243i |
arccos(x) | Synonym for acos() |
acosh(x) | Real part of the arc hyperbolic cosine of x, e.g., acosh(.5) returns 0, not 1.0472i |
asin(x) | Real part of the arc sine of x, asin(-5) is -1.57080, not -1.57080+2.29243i |
arcsin(x) | Synonym for asin() |
asinh(x) | Arc hyperbolic sine |
atan(x) | Arc tangent of x |
arctan(x) | Synonym for atan() |
atan2(y,x) | Four quadrant arc tangent of y/x |
atanh(x) | Arc hyperbolic tangent |
buf(x) | 1 if x > .5, else 0 |
ceil(x) | Integer equal or greater than x |
cos(x) | Cosine of x |
cosh(x) | Hyperbolic cosine of x |
ddt(x) | Time derivative of x |
delay(x,t[,tmax] | Same as absdelay() |
dnlim(x,y,z) | Similar to max(x,y) but with a continuous 1st derivative transition width z |
exp(x) | e to the x |
floor(x) | Integer equal to or less than x |
hypot(x,y) | sqrt(x**2 + y**2) |
idt(x[,ic[,a]]) | Integrate x, optional initial condition ic, reset if a is true. |
idtmod(x[,ic[,m[,o]]] | Integrate x, optional initial condition ic, reset on reaching modulus m, offset output by o. |
if(x,y,z) | If x > .5, then y else z |
int(x) | Convert x to integer |
inv(x) | 0. if x > .5, else 1. |
limit(x,y,z) | Intermediate value of x, y, and z |
ln(x) | Natural logarithm of x |
log(x) | Alternate syntax for ln() |
log10(x) | Base 10 logarithm |
max(x,y) | The greater of x or y |
min(x,y) | The smaller of x or y |
pow(x,y) | Real part of x**y, e.g., pow(-1,.5)=0, not i. |
pwr(x,y) | abs(x)**y |
pwrs(x,y) | sgn(x)*abs(x)**y |
rand(x) | Random number between 0 and 1 depending on the integer value of x. |
random(x) | Similar to rand(), but smoothly transitions between values. |
round(x) | Nearest integer to x |
sdt(x[,ic[,assert]]) | Alternate syntax for idt() |
sgn(x) | Sign of x |
sin(x) | Sine of x |
sinh(x) | Hyperbolic sine of x |
sqrt(x) | Square root of x |
table(x,a,b,c,d,...) | Interpolate a value for x based on a look up table given as a set of pairs of points. |
tan(x) | Tangent of x. |
tanh(x) | Hyperbolic tangent of x |
u(x) | Unit step, i.e., 1 if x > 0., else 0. |
uplim(x,y,z) | Similar to min(x,y) but with a continuous 1st derivative transition width z |
uramp(x) | x if x > 0., else 0. |
white(x) | Random number between -.5 and .5 smoothly transitions between values even more smoothly than random(). |
!(x) | Alternative syntax for inv(x) |
~(x) | Alternative syntax for inv(x) |
- The following operations, grouped in reverse order of precedence of evaluation:
Operand | Description |
& | Convert the expressions to either side to Boolean, then AND. |
| | Convert the expressions to either side to Boolean, then OR. |
^ | Convert the expressions to either side to Boolean, then XOR. |
> | True if expression on the left is greater than the expression on the right, otherwise false. |
< | True if expression on the left is less than the expression on the right, otherwise false. |
>= | True if expression on the left is greater than or equal the expression on the right, otherwise false. |
<= | True if expression on the left is less than or equal the expression on the right, otherwise false. |
+ | Floating point addition |
- | Floating point subtraction |
* | Floating point multiplication |
/ | Floating point division |
** | Raise left hand side to power of right hand side. Only the real part is returned, e.g., -1**1.5 gives zero not i. |
! | Convert the following expression to Boolean and invert. |
BVの設定は、回路図BVのデバイスをマウスの右ボタンでクリックすると、次に示す「Component Attribute Editor」が表示されます。この中のValueの欄に設定する式を入力します。
BV(Arbitrary behavioral voltage)は、出力の47種類にも及ぶ各種の関数とほかのノードの出力電圧や複数のノードの出力電圧の差、およびそれらの関数、ノードの出力の演算結果を設定できます。
円周率の π の値は定数 pi で示すことができます。sin(2*pi*time)で1Hzの正弦波となります。10kHzの出力となるようにするのでsin(2*pi*10k*time)と関数を設定します。次のようにValueの値を入力します。timeはシミュレーション時間で単位が秒で、timeの係数が正弦波の周波数となります。ここでは、10kがその値で10kHzの正弦波が出力されます。
回路図のBVの V=F(…) の部分をマウスの右ボタンでクリックすると、次に示すBVのValueの入力画面になります。この画面でValueの値を設定、再設定できます。
この出力波形の周波数成分を調べるために、FFT(fast Fourier transform)で実際の出力波形の周波成分を調べます。
(2018/4/10 V1.0)